Shopify on Facebook

How to use Shopify on Facebook

Do you want to use Facebook to market your Shopify products and services? If you’re looking for some pointers, read this post immediately to create a Shopify store with your Facebook (and Instagram) marketing may be found in this post.

Why Should You Connect Your Shopify Store to Facebook?

Connecting your Shopify business to your social media accounts (especially Facebook and Instagram) can help you enhance quality and boost the comfort and efficiency of your workflow, just like any other sort of integration.

Some integration features will help you sell your store more effectively, saving you time and effort. Dynamic advertisements and Facebook store extensions, both of which will be addressed later in this article, are instances of this. Other factors will assist you in increasing store engagement, increasing consumer trust, and increasing sales and profits. These are significant advantages that you can’t afford to overlook.Β 

Β In Shopify, add the Facebook tracking pixel.

The tracking pixel on Facebook has two goals. First, it keeps track of user activity, allowing you to retarget individuals who have visited specific pages or made particular activities on your site (through Facebook advertisements). It also shows you how effective your Facebook advertising is by displaying the number of clicks that resulted in conversions. Installing the tracking pixel on Shopify’s platform doesn’t involve any code, and it’s even easier than doing it on a traditional website. First, go to Facebook Ads Manager and look for your pixel. Select Pixels from the Measure & Report category under All Tools. O conversions After that, go to your Shopify store and choose Online Store. Then select Preferences from the drop-down menu.

2: Integrate Your Store with a Facebook Store

All businesses can set up an on-platform Facebook shop to sell items and services directly through the social media platform.

If you have a store, Shopify allows you to create a Facebook shop that is fully integrated with your store. This means you may sell things directly on Facebook, and Shopify’s inventory (including prices and sales) is automatically updated on Facebook when Shopify’s list is changed. You can also choose to sell only certain things on Facebook if you want to.

Set up Facebook and Instagram Dynamic Ads

Dynamic advertisements on Facebook allow you to execute targeted retargeting campaigns by showing consumers Facebook and Instagram ads that show the specific things they’ve been looking at on your site.

  • Return to Facebook Ads Manager after that. Locate the Assets category under All Tools, and then pick Catalogs.
  • You’ll be asked how you wish to upload your data feed on the next page. Choose Set a Schedule and paste the URL of your data stream into the space provided. Enter the login details if your feed is password-protected.
  • Finally, select how frequently you’d like the feed to be updated. Because the adverts are dynamic, hourly or weekly is typically a good option: Put User-Generated Content on Display in Your Store.Β 


Integrating your Shopify profile with your social network profiles will help you expand the reach and effectiveness of your marketing efforts while also saving time. Because most firms invest a lot of time and money into maintaining their social media presence, connecting it with a store allows them to reap the full benefits.