person do a newsletter

Do newsletters help sell?

First rule of the newsletter club: these are not generic messages. Sending messages that are not aimed at the public will be a bust. Every email in the newsletter is like a work of persuasion to the sale. Each text must be well balanced and accurate otherwise the subscribers will unsubscribe from the newsletter and will never finalize the purchases you suggested in the email. Before you create a newsletter, try to answer the following questions.Β 

Start with: what is the goal of my newsletter?

Every action you take must lead to some results. Newsletters can serve different purposes and you need to establish your own well before you start. The design and content of the email will depend on your response.

For example, your goal could be:

– Increase sales

– Generate more traffic

– Develop a relationship with the target public.

Many people forget that there is an audience behind the newsletter.

Who are your buyer personas?

Today people expect personalized content and you know what they might want or what they really need. If you can identify your buyer personas you will be able to send newsletters that convince the public to buy.

Try to be as specific as possible, consider demographic data, geographical location, age, hobbies and interests.

What should be in a newsletter?

The planning of the topic and content of your newsletter is closely related to the objectives you have defined and your audience. Your texts should be interesting, not a list of goods written BUY NOW.

Tell an anecdote, include images and gifs, make a special presentation for a product or service. To Establish this you have to figure out how many emails to send. The best frequency for newsletters is one per week or a couple per month. The important thing is not to abuse it and clog the mailboxes of readers.

You can also poll your contacts and ask them for their desired frequency.