SEO text wallpaper

SEO Testing to Improve Organic Traffic

We have already talked about landing page, web pages, color psychology, in the .Design section that we need to talk about what SEO is? where come from the term SEO? and, why is SEO important?

Where does the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) come from?

The first search engines appeared in the early 1990s. Until Google appeared in 1996, many were created, including Yahoo. The Web boom began. People realized that you could really make money with them. So, they concluded that they needed to attract traffic. What was the best method of attracting traffic? Search engines.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization or search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic results of different search engines.

Why is SEO important?

The most important reason SEO is necessary is because it makes your website more useful to both users and search engines. Although search engines still cannot see a web page the way a human can. SEO is necessary to help search engines understand what each page is about and whether it is useful to users.

Now that we clarify terms, do you feel that your search engine optimization strategy slow down? Well, here are some tips you can use with to improve your ranks and drive traffic.

If you learn and understand what works whit Google was considering when generating search engine results, the precise amount each factor plays on rankings, and precisely what it would take to get to the top. The organic traffic you could drive to your site would be tremendous!

So, every time there is a new algorithm update, it is up to us to figure out what exactly has changed and learn how to best leverage this to our advantage.

And because there are no absolute answers, a lot of optimization comes down to best practices, theories, and outright guesswork.  

We are talking about experimentation as a wonderful way to determine if these theories are based on reality or just sheer conjecture. And of course, all your SEO experiments can be done from your desk chair’s comfort.

A Successful SEO Experiment

Delightedly, we do not need to develop an entirely new framework for devising, conducting, and measuring our SEO tests – we can repurpose the scientific method that you are already familiar with.

And here are the steps that are sure to take you back to school time:

  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question and form a hypothesis. 
  3. Gather data.
  4. Analyze the data.
  5. Draw conclusions.

Be patient. Test one, then wait for the results before moving on to the next. This will give you an obvious idea of what you need to do moving forward to ensure you are always be front-page real estate.

With that out of the way, here is a look at different things you can test to improve the ranking of your site:

  1. SEO Title

Keep in mind the importance that have a web title.  Because sometimes Google will eraser and that usually happens when the search engine does not feel like your title was a good reflection of the page’s content. 

But take easy, you can change this anytime you like. Test these to see if they generate results:

  • Include your target keyword.
  • Change their length.
  • Experiment with brand name positioning or remove it altogether.
  • Get click-baity.
  • Add published date to demonstrate information relevancy.
  • Get creative.
  1. SEO Meta Description

The meta description, it can help improve your click-through rate, compel searchers, generate brand exposure, and help differentiate you from the competition. And all of this impact user behavior, which is a signal that Google factors in.

Try few things you can A/B test to see if you can improve your organic traffic:

  • Try different lengths (Traditional SEO wisdom suggests character count between 156-165).
  • Add keywords.
  • Change your tone (Your style should match your brand’s voice).
  • Get specific.
  1. Internal Anchor Text

You may know anchor text as the visible. And it helps better understand a page’s content, allowing it to rank those pages for relevant searches. 

There are several types of anchor text you can use, including those with exact or partial-match keywords, branded, images, generic, and naked links.

Try with the impact, internal anchor text can have on your organic traffic:

  • Changing their length.
  • Adding keywords, particularly low-density keywords.
  • Increasing specificity.
  1. Schema Markup

It is a type of structured data used by Google and other search engines.

It is used to create rich snippets for adding information about events, recipes, people, videos, reviews, and products, among other things. These, in turn, make your link appear more prominent in SERPs.

  1. Images

Because humans are visual creatures. And we have always listened the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” So much so, the web designers and SEO professionals have recognized the importance of including images on webpages for a long time. 

And it is not just because they add visual interest and grab attention; they can also improve your search ranking.

Try with your images to improve your traffic:

  • Add images.
  • Choose a different file name.
  • Change your formatting.
  • Compress files when possible.
  • Ensure responsiveness.
  • Add alt text if the image can’t be displayed for some reason.
  1. Headers

As we already know, the headlines and subheads give your page structure. This makes it easier for humans to browse and for search engines to understand what each section is about.

And for that reason, not just H1s, sends a strong signal about the page’s content. It would be best if you took particular care with all your H tags, from H1 down to H6. This is because they also serve as an accessibility aid and navigational tool in addition to their structural benefits.

You can play with to try and improve your SEO results:

  • Add more headings (except H1s).
  • Try using them to break up blocks of text.
  • Add keywords.
  • Optimize for featured snippets.
  • Write your headers to land these.
  • Get creative.
  1. Word Count

You may not have thought much about how the number of words you use can impact your ranking and traffic. But this can help define your site as relevant and valuable to a search query – and draw in readers. 

With that said, longer-form copy tends to rank higher. This is because using more words provides Google with more information on what your page is about.

  1. URL

Google has confirmed when it performs its initial crawl of a site, keywords in URLs help it understand what the site is about. This does not mean you cannot use them to your advantage. Clear URLs create a better user experience and can be used as naked anchor tags much more accessible than one with 75 random numbers and letters tacked on at the end.